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What does a WBSO intermediary help with?

You can apply for a WBSO subsidy yourself. For example, there are examples on the Internet of how to do it, and the RVO, the Government Service for Entrepreneurship in the Netherlands, has put videos on YouTube about this type of subject. However, you can also use a WBSO intermediary. But what exactly does the intermediary help with?

The benefits of using an intermediary.

They are aware of the latest regulations in this area and know all the ins and outs. They walk you through the potential projects within the company and together you identify the projects that are suitable to apply for a WBSO subsidy. At the same time, you get clarity if you are not sure whether one project is suitable and another less so.

Together you will walk through the project and help determine the hours budget that will be used for the application. The application strategy is also optimized by, for example, looking at available and suitable personnel for the project.

Proper wording of the application is very important. It helps the evaluator at RFO to get an accurate picture of the project. This, of course, works to your advantage. If the evaluator starts to have doubts he will be more inclined to ask questions or even reject the application. The intermediary is experienced to use the right choice of words to get the application through smoothly. The project description should be a maximum of 1,500 characters. It is often difficult to describe a complicated project so briefly that it is clear. However, the intermediary is experienced in this.

Should there be a question letter from RFO, it really does not mean that the application is or has been rejected. The evaluator just wants more information to make the right decision. The intermediary will answer the questions, often in consultation, to RFO. The intermediary is also sometimes contacted by RFO for clarification or consultation.

The intermediary will also make it clear what the timesheets should look like. They will, if not already available in the company, provide a system.

The first quarter after the grant year, the hours realized must be reported to RFO. The intermediary can also arrange this for you. You will then have to report the realized hours to the intermediary who will submit them to the RFO website.

The bottom line.

You can conclude that you can apply for the grant yourself. However, it takes some figuring out how to do it. Using an intermediary will make it easier. Also, because of the experience, the process will be smoother and the likelihood of the grant being awarded will be higher.

If you would like to discuss this, please contact us and we would be happy to think with you!